Monday, May 17, 2010

iPad – Review 2

iBook application is good to read books with minimum image such as novels. For magazine or text books a lot of iPad users in forums and blogs suggest the used of GoodReader. Unfortunately, you have to pay for this application (I don’t mind the price but, I am a bit scared of using online transaction to buy this product). Yesterday, I found a blog that IMG_0863 suggest the use of CloudReaders application. It is a simple application which is used to transfer mainly pdf files (it does not work with .doc files) and to read back these files. Work similar like iBook but we are allowed to change the size of the objects in a similar technique as changing the size of objects when we browse the Internet. This is the list of files that I had transferred to this application including books and magazines.

Transfering files to this application is easy using the App sections of iTunes.


So now I can read the academic books

IMG_0856 or  read Quran

IMG_0858 or magazine (especially for abah)


or read my favorites books using this application.

IMG_0857 IMG_0866

So at the end of the day, I am using the following applications to store my electronic documents

  • iBooks for novels
  • Dropbox for articles related to my Phd study and
  • CloudReaders for academic books and magazines


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