Saturday, May 1, 2010

Bersama dekan Prof Dr Zainab

Kenangan bersama Dr Zainab yang diambil sewaktu melawat ke kampus Dungun untuk temuduga pensyarah baru. Terima kasih prof kerana banyak membantu saya terutamanya dalam perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan scholarship dan pangajian Phd saya.



  1. ths might be a very tiny question ..hehe..mcmana nk pilih topik utk PhD research ye? akk buat PhD in what area? insyaAllah sy plan nk buat PhD in Supply Chain mcmana nk narrow down the topic for the research tu ye..minta tunjuk ajarku sifu..hehe :)

  2. Wow ini soalan cepu mas..When I start the PhD journey, my supervisor ada cakap.."It is a process that only you can learn and identify along the way. There is no fix processes since every PhD student will undergo a different route" Good luck..
