Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Incult 2008

Petang 19hb October, bersama kak mi, mazidah, kak ee dan ti, kami ke Shah Alam untuk menghadiri the 4th International Conference on University of Learning and Teaching di Hotel Concore Hotel dengan tema Transforming Learning and Teaching towards International Practices organized by ACRULeT and University of Hartfordshire. Several speakers get my attention such as

  • Prof Dato' Ir. Dr. Radin Umar Radin Sohari, the director general, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education, whom explained about the Learning Cycle and the Attributes of successful Learners. --> boleh invide ke Terengganu for the next forum with the lecturers.

  • Mohammad Nure Alam Siddique, whom come out with a new way of reporting his experience as learners and lecturers in a paper Becoming a reflective and metacognitive learner and a constructivist-reflective practitioners: A teacher education's naratives

  • Sarjit Kaur which execute a qualitative studies on her students perceptions on learning. Her paper trigger a research project about the perception of UiTMT students on their learning environment.

  • Dianne Cheong Lee Mei papers on the use of wikis in her classroom to brainstorm a particular topics.

The second day starts with a plenary Sessions for speakers. Beberapa perkara seperti penetapan KPI dan feedback dibincangkan. Namun kenyataan berikut dari Prof Dato' Dr. Ibrahim Ahmad Bajunid menarik perhatian saya:

"UiTM hold the highest rate of employed graduates because it is a teaching university. If the focus is now switch to research university, the future of it's graduates is in question"

"The quality of a lecturer goes beyond KPI. The soul of a true teacher made him/her stand out from the rest"

Seminar ini membuka mata saya tentang beberapa perkara mengenai pengajaran dan pembelajaran disamping menambah jaringan rakan-rakan. Terima kasih pihak pengurusan yang memberi ruang untuk kami menghadiri program ini.


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