Monday, March 18, 2013

First Draft of Thesis

Awal bulan November 2012

Supervisor 1: Ok you boleh mula menulis, give me the draft by end of January.

Student: Ok prof saya cuba tapi saya kena rerun balik experiments and completekan data KMAT to 21000.

Middle of January:

Student: Prof, I made a mistake rerunning the program, the exercise took more time than what I had planned. I need more time to write

Supervisor 1 : Ok, start writing you have 6-7 chapters to write

Student: (Dalam hati) I had submitted 3 chapters tapi tak ada sesiapa pun nak comment ehmm..

Awal February:

Supervisor 2 : How is the writing process?

Student: Slow, saya tulis 2 mukasurat, lepas tu delete 3 muka surat. Need to run more experiments Tak tahu apa nak tulis..

Supervisor 2 : It will be good if you can submit the thesis before mula mengajar. Nanti susah nak siapkan

Student : That is my target too,

Awal March:

Supervisor 3 : Stop experimenting, start the writing process, other wise you tak sempat nak submit thesis by June..

Student: Yap..InsyaAllah, difficult but trying my best..


Student: Ehm..Makan luar dinner ni

Husband: Again..

Student: Jangan cakap apa-apa, nanti saya kemas rumah

Husband: Ops..

Emak : Senyap aje pagi ni..

Student: Saya tidur lewat malam tadi, lepas husband gi kerja saya baring sekejap..


Student: Alamak..Format word dah hay wire..Dia dah bingung, may be sebab file dah besar sangat, kena copy paragraph by paragraph into a new document.

Supervisor 2 : Make sure you buat back up every day..

Student: Oh no..there is no improvement compare to the current technique..

Supervisor 2: But your technique is different than them and you are inserting a code to improve their technique. That is the reason why you nampak their technique is better.

Student : Ya lah Sememangnya buat Phd bukannya kerja seorang-seorang. Terima kash Dr for the suggestion. This morning, saya blur sekejap, terima kasih kerana menjadi pendengar yang baik and the discussion membuatkan saya okay kembali and nampak balik jalan nak proceed :)

InsyaAllah  next week saya hantar the first draft of the  thesis (7 chapters) . May not be as good as Andrew Secker thesis. I expect I'll have to do a lot of improvement but that is where the learning process is. Learn a lot in the journey to complete the first draft ..

Patutlah depa tak beri comment bila I submit the early chapters (Dalam hati)


Student: Dr tolong check nahu dan grammar 1st draft saya so that saya tak buat the same mistakes in the rest of the theses.

Pakar bahasa: Berapa mukasurat your 1st draft?

student : Dalam 200 mukasurat.

Pakar bahasa: Ehm selalunya student hantar 1st draft 300 mukasurat sebab nanti kena buang banyak.

Student : Oh oh..sebab tu ramai student tak hantar 1st draft ( dalam hati)

Supervisor 1: hantar je. Nanti saya baca, pendekatan people berbeza, ada kalanya kita guna format mengurangkan ada kalanya kita guna format mengembangkan...

Student: Saya tak berapa puas hati dengan 1st draft, tapi saya perlu hantar untuk dapatkan feedback..


A day be4 submission of 1st draft

Student: Oh oh. laser printer saya berasap bila saya print terus lebih dari 30 mukasurat. Kena print sikit-sikit, banyak section pulak ni, nanti dia confuse m/s mana nak print.. Untuk yang ada graph kena print color

Student: Oh oh it took 30 minutes to print 20 pages kat printer color,  ehm yang saya punya photostat je lah..


kedai photostat – 9 am

Owner – Kak, saya tak boleh buat terus, Dalam pukul 1 baru siap, banyak perkara nak buat ni.

Student – Tapi saya nak gi Shah Alam pkl 2 petang..Make sure siap. berapa?

Owner kedai photostat: InsyaAllah saya buat yang kakak punya dulu, Dalam RM50.00 kak. Next time akak hantar awal sikit lah..



Supervisor 1 : Saya ada meeting pagi dan petang. Letak je lah kat depan bilik.Dah Isi borang hantar thesis? Kena hantar borang 3 months in advance.

Student: Saya nak minta pendapat tentang isi borang tu..

Supervisor1: Ok jumpa pukul 12 tengahari.

Supervisor 3 : Ok jumpa pukul 11 pagi.

10:45 – Ooo kereta tak siap lagi, masih kat Shah Alam, Sorry Dr. lambat sikit.


supervisor 1: Wah panjangnya tajuk..Lets discuss how to shorten it.

After 20 minutes:

Student : (Dalam hati) Sebab tu dia supervisor and saya student..

Supervisor 1: Salah ejaan ni...Nanti saya forward a name of a person yang you boleh contact untuk beli e-kamus…

Supervisor 3: Syabas..Looking forward to read the first draft. Saya nak gi Terenggnau On the 23rd nanti kita discuss.

Supervisor 2: At last tahniah.. The journey sudah hampir tamat but the challenge will be more next time..


Itulah sebahagian dari drama sewaktu proses nak hantar the 1st draft of my thesis. Still a long way to go, baru nampak cahaya samar-samar, masih banyak lagi yang perlu saya pelajari . Alhamdulillah saya bersyukur tuhan jumpakan saya dengan 3 orang supervisor yang banyak menyokong dan mendorong saya untuk meneruskan perjalanan ini. Semoga ianya sampai juga ke penghujungnya. Alhamdulillah  mereka yang berada disekitar saya memahami masa-masa dimana saya perlu menyibukkan diri. Ameen.. moga dipermudahkan perjalanan ini ke penghujungnya…


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