Thursday, March 4, 2010

Personal web site

At last, selepas tertangguh beberapa lama, semalam (3/3/2010) saya meluangkan masa selama sehari untuk mempelajari Joomla - content management software bagi menyediakan website, selepas tidak berkesempatan untuk menghadiri kursus berkaitan software ini disember lepas. Ini adalah website saya yang baru yang dibangunkan dengan menggunakan Joomla 1.5,


Why Joomla ?It is much more easier for me to add or amend the contents plus more extensions and plug in. It is suppose to be simple (like they said) but it is not that simple when the Internet connection is not up to the standard. May be because every thing is predefined, the execution time is slightly slow :) okay very slow. But at the end of the day, I got the page pretty much as what I want it to be and still open for extension later in the future :). Rasanya kalau saya buat sendiri lagi cepat but it will be static instead of dynamic.


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